@compound complex The Hispanic brother knows how shifty people operate on the streets, lol. You know what they say...
Once you go Hispanic... everyone goes into a panic.
Because they steal sh*t.
maybe you guys got on to this right away, but i've just noticed something about the remember the wife of lot video.. we all know the scene where the judgmental jw dad gives that disapproving look to the girl who has lesbian parents:.
this look actually appears again throughout the video - but on other jws.
in the scene where the new brother is out in service with the former co. look at the new brothers reaction to when a "worldly" person knows the former co from work:.
@compound complex The Hispanic brother knows how shifty people operate on the streets, lol. You know what they say...
Once you go Hispanic... everyone goes into a panic.
Because they steal sh*t.
had the misfortune of stopping by the "regional" convention yesterday.
i promised my daughter i would come to sunday afternoon so she wouldnt have to ride home with her mother.... holy crap it was weird!
im sure all of this has been covered on the forum but to actually see it.... just wow.
@Old Navy THANK YOU! People think I'm splitting hairs for raising the subliminal monarch butterfly imagery in WT material.
maybe you guys got on to this right away, but i've just noticed something about the remember the wife of lot video.. we all know the scene where the judgmental jw dad gives that disapproving look to the girl who has lesbian parents:.
this look actually appears again throughout the video - but on other jws.
in the scene where the new brother is out in service with the former co. look at the new brothers reaction to when a "worldly" person knows the former co from work:.
It's the most stifling experience being a Witness - constantly needing to "explain yourself" to other Witnesses when you sense them judging you.
i'm in the middle of dissecting the june 2017 jw broadcasting video.. in the first minute, they summarize a story about a guy who apparently was a one-time bad ass (showed a picture of him with a beard while posing on a chopper).
then, they show him shaving at the exact same moment the narrator is saying how he regained "a clean conscience".. this no-beard obsession by the jws is beyond nuts.. .
@John Davis At least if you disagree with the rules your employer poses, you can quit your job. It's not so simple in Watchtower Land.
had the misfortune of stopping by the "regional" convention yesterday.
i promised my daughter i would come to sunday afternoon so she wouldnt have to ride home with her mother.... holy crap it was weird!
im sure all of this has been covered on the forum but to actually see it.... just wow.
@stuckinarut2 Now THAT would be a sequel worth making. You even forgot the major twist where the "Lot" character in the original drama hates the gays so much and detests his daughter working with anyone in the LGBTQ community, yet in the Bible, Lot was ready to offer his daughters for rape and humiliation for the raging homosexuals bashing at his door.
i have posted the full story on a fb site.
so my apologies to anyone who's already read it.
some of what i've written is what was told to me by my father.
They should make a movie out of this. Brilliant!
anything that's true
@pale.emperor I'm sorry, but I F*CKING HATE these disgusting questions elders ask. WTF. Even when I was still in the organization and would listen to reinstated ones talk about their JCs and the REPUGNANT and totally unnecessary questions they were asked, I would FLIP MY SH*T over how inappropriate and WRONG it all was! But the reinstated ones would tell me with earnest, "they do it out of love. They need to know exactly what went wrong and how it went wrong so they can guide you from making the same mistake again." The sisters who went through the questions in their JCs were basically saying they were GRATEFUL for the repulsive elders asking such perverted questions. THAT IS NOT NORMAL! It outrages me to no end, and it always has, even before I woke up.
for me, i think it was just the right time as i was starting to wake up on other fronts as well (anyone who had went through these will know what i mean).
but it started when i was looking for what info goes on a publisher card, which led to me reading one person's story (ex bethelite) which was pretty crazy to an all-in jw but who trusts those apostates...?.
then i started watching videos on cults, as if my subconscious was trying to tell my concord mind something... when i saw a particular one about a young man in lds getting ready to start their 2 year preaching campaign, including a school, social activities etc, i realized that i couldn't tell the difference between the folks of this mormon cult and the jws (save for some religious differences) .
@NoviceLocs14: "A major discovery was finding out that the translation of the Bible I had based my beliefs on, the NWT, was influenced by a spiritist." Whaaaat? Do elaborate on your discovery, please.
im giving up guys.
i've reached the end of my patience and now i finally refuse to waste any more time on part-time witnesses.
i've text all of my active jw family members and told them to delete my number from their phone and never contact me again.
Wait - is this the brother your posted about the other day? The one who actually broke free and caught a glimpse of true happiness outside the organization? Please tell me I'm reading this post wrong : (. I watched your latest Youtube video a couple of days ago and actually thought to myself, "damn, @pale.emperor's brother is so lucky to have this guy as his family." What I would do to have siblings like you. Mine are all distant, self-righteous, judgmental pricks who haven't spoken to me in years. If only your brother could see a true friend when it hits him in the face. And one who shares his DNA. What a waste of family ties.
today represents for me something of a milestone.
after breaking both bones in my lower left leg nearly four months ago, i am now able to walk without the aid of crutches.
also, the orthopedic specialist has cleared me to once more drive a motor vehicle.
Hallelujah! Throw those crutches aside and walk, my child!
No, seriously. That's great news, @Bungi Bill. Really happy for you : ).